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Grey Acumen said:
The Fury said:
stof said:
whoa wow wait a sec. It's a criminal offense to sell a cutlery set to anyone under 18 in the UK!?

has there been a spate of forkings and dinner knife fights lately?

Anything can be used to kill or stab and with the problems we've had recently with idiot kids knifing each other, I don't blame them.

I thought stricter gun laws were supposed to address these kinds of issues. I guess soon you guys'll have to ban clenching your fists, when people have to resort to bare hands after they can't get a knife or other stabbity objects.

Stricter gun laws restrcits guns. Knives are just as dangerous when held by an idiot kid thinking he's 'protecting' himself from other idiot kids carrying knives to protect themselves. Keep in mind, one well placed stab and the guy is dead, one well placed punch, you've just hurt him.


Hmm, pie.