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soulsamurai said:

No offense, but do you guys suck at gaming? Wii sports? Tetris? Mario Kart? Yeah you're not going to get it those highscores on your first play through, but after 10 mins of play you should really be able to kick some ass once you're use to the controls.


@Ghost of Rubang B.   Once again another example of this fallacy. I have clearly stated what a casual game is and what a casual gamer is. Fine here is your Fallacy of "begging the question" I will give you exactly what you're looking for. Have fun ripping apart what im about to say.

Casual Game: A game that requires little to no skill to play.

Casual Gamer: Someone who generally plays games that require little or no skill play and/or does not making gaming a major focus point of their life.

Many of you I have a feeling are just getting butt sore because I'm calling a game you like Casual. Once again for the third time. Casual does not label it a bad game. My argument is not on the Wii itself even, simply the matter that Animal Crossing is indeed casual. Something I know you all read, but the way you're all reacting seems as if you havn't. Everyone has a tendacy in here to read what they don't want to hear in this forum and act like someone just attacked their integrity.

So it seems to me that your whole argument lies with your opinion that these games require little to no skill.  If that's the case, that's a bad argument for 2 reasons:

1) How do you define skill and decide which games are hard and which games are easy?  That's subjective and different for everybody.  Tetris pros don't have to be Mario Kart pros and FPS pros and RPG pros.  There isn't a way to define skill for every game and every genre.  I have a friend who is completely unstoppable at Street Fighter but I can kick his ass at Mortal Kombat.  Skills don't always transfer between games and definitely not between genres.

People can play any games they want with any amount of dedication they want, for any amount of time they want, and they don't need these stupid labels.  If you really must, you can call somebody a gamer, a game enthusiast, or a game fanatic, or a "game buff" like we do with movies and music.  The word "hardcore" is juvenile and pathetic, and the word "casual" shouldn't be an insult, but it's become one since it's been used in a derogatory fashion by every stupid game critic for years.  It's a way to pretend the Wii doesn't exist because it's in another universe, the imaginary "casual market."


2) It takes more than 10 minutes to master Wii Sports, Tetris, or Mario Kart.  If you think Wii Sports is casual, come play me with your hardcore skills.  I have over 2000 points in tennis, and there are even a few users here who can do that at boxing.  If you think Mario Kart is casual, go play Rol.  And if you think Tetris is casual, let us know if you can do this:

The title of the video is "Japan Hardcore Tetris."  4 minutes in it gets really crazy, and then at 5:10 everything is invisible.  There is a difference between "getting used to the controls" and doing the superhuman shit the guy does in this video.


So I guess a casual gamer is just about any gamer, and a hardcore gamer is somebody who says "I am part of an elite squadron of gamers that are so skilled we need a new name so people can know how good we are, as opposed to the casual gaming trash."


Why do YOU feel the need to draw an imaginary line in the sand between yourself and the majority of people who have the same exact hobby you do, and why does that line need to be a way to say that you are more skilled than the others?  Why not just skip the pointless jargon and say "I am one of the best gamers around" ?

How would you classify chess, or other games with the old "minutes to learn, years to master" type of gameplay?  It's pick-up-and-play for boys and girls and people of all ages, so does that make it casual?