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Hey, had to go back 7 pages to revive this thread, but I'm been enjoying Fable 2 (borrowed from a friend) the last few days. It's not perfect but it's rather unique and fun.

I do have a question: is there some sort of download to fix the problem I have with buying new furniture? I can't seem to find it in stock, ever. I even own the place.

Other than that problem, and my friend needing to install the game (ugh), it's been really enjoyable with a rather awesome plot development that I was afraid was the end of the game because I wasn't paying close attention to how many people you are supposed I don't want to spoil anything.

Is there any update on the DLC? I might get it for my friend since he let me play it so much. I actually forgot to play Killzone 2 more (#4 on beta leaderboard the last I checked) before the beta ended this weekend because I was trying to get as much playtime as possible on Fable 2 before he took his 360 back.