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Sullla said:

To show how meaningless and stupid these terms are, here's a summary of soulsamurai's posts in this thread:

1) casual games are easy to pick up and play, as opposed to hard and unusual games
2) defined by how the game itself is played, not how it is played
3) there is a difference between a gamer and a non-gamer
4) casual games are games that appeal to casuals and are easy, hardcore games appeal to hardcore gamers and are harder/take more effort
5) casual games are easy to pick up and play and attract people who normally wouldn't play video games
6) casual games require no skill to play and easy to master, they take no effort, anyone can play without getting frustrated
7) playing a game for 1000 hours does not make someone hardcore, they must be skilled at multiple game genres and be able and willing to accept new ideas for games
8) hardcore requires time and actual effort, time alone is not a factor

Let's see... we know from #2 that "casual" is an inherent element of games, and has nothing to do with how they are played. #1, #4, #5, and #6 all tell us that these games are easy and don't require skill - I guess we can eliminate titles like Wii Sports and Tetris, because they definitely involve skill. #7 seems to be talking about people and not games, I'm not really sure how being skilled at multiple game genres make a game casual or hardcore. Sounds more like a litmus test for certain population demographics than anything else. From #8 we know that a hardcore game must involve a significant timesink, unless of course the game is casual, in which case requiring a significant timesink doesn't matter. And it's always refreshing to know from #3 that there is a difference between a gamer and a non-gamer. I could have sworn that Pogo was a game - perhaps it is actually a form of work instead? If my boss catches me playing Pogo online, I'm sure he will accept my explanation that this is really a "non-game."

The reason why these threads never go anywhere is because the terms are meaningless. They're buzz words created by the industry to try and ignore the success of games that the core gamer doesn't like. Halo 3 outsold by Wii Play and Pokemon? Oh, that's because Wii Play is casual (i.e. it doesn't count). Grand Theft Auto getting beaten by Mario Kart and Wii Fit? They're casual games, thus they are not "real games" and we can ignore them.

Here's the real definition of casual and hardcore:

- A hardcore game is a game I like to play.
- A casual game is a game I don't like.

Use these definitions and you'll have a much better idea of what's going on.


Will you quit using a fallacy known as "cherry picking" Both you and rolstoppable are doing the same exact thing. You pull one sentence out of a post and completly ignore everything else that was said. A commonly used tactic by press. He says a whole mess of things, but we will just use this part.

1. I stand by this

2. I stand by this as well. If the game is easy and doesn't provide a challenge then it's casual.

3. There is a difference between playing flash games, and then playing a fully developed game. One concurs with people who just "casually" play to pass the time at work, school, or at least mildly entertain themselves. My grandma plays pogo simply cause her husband died. She has nothing to do. She just sits there and plays mind numbingly. Does that make her hardcore. Not it makes her depressed and bored trying to make time go by anyway she can. While a hardcore gamer plays solely upon the fact that they actually enjoy it immensely. Please once again. No cherry picking so don't go saying. Well my sister enjoys tetris immensly does that make her a hardcore gamer? Go back and read what else i said about being a hardcore gamer. ONE spot on the Bingo card does not mean you get to shout out BINGO!!!

4.  Read 2. Do i have to keep restating this over and over cause no one seems to be getting it in their head.

5. Read 2

6. Read 2 

7. This was a reply to Ghost. He tried stating that you can dump hours in a game and be hardcore.....Absolutly not if you play just a few games that are easily playable, and without being able to really play anything that would actually require you to put effort into it then that is just a casual gamer.

8. Another example of your atrocious sampleing. I said requires time to master not hours waisted. Animal Crossing you can master within 10 minutes. Metal Gear Online will take you weeks. You're not going to go online and kick everyones ass the first playthrough. Also unless your familiar with Metal Gear Solid. It's going to take you a little while to get a hang of everything and whats going on.


Alright to get out of listing and to go into your text. First off.....where did I state that a casual game is one I hate. I have already stated that i love mario kart, i still however consider casual. I love little big planet, I still consider the game to be casual aside from the level creator, which technically isn't a game so yeah....LBP is casual. Hell God of War is casual even. I beat that on the hardest mode available without dying (except for one damn jump i missed) on my first playthrough. I put it on God mode when available. I finally unlock god mode hoping for it to be challenging, but nooooo...same thing. Not a single death.  Here's the one I'm going to have to grab a flame retardent suit, flame shield, and hide behind the great wall of china for. While I hate mario, I will admit his games are fun to play, BUT they're casual.  Anyone can play mario with relative ease, and he's recognizable by anyone and everyone. Don't pull words out of context. I have clearly stated in past posts that i like casual games. I also stated a casual game is not an automatic "bad game" label.

No offense, but do you guys suck at gaming? Wii sports? Tetris? Mario Kart? Yeah you're not going to get it those highscores on your first play through, but after 10 mins of play you should really be able to kick some ass once you're use to the controls.


@Ghost of Rubang B.   Once again another example of this fallacy. I have clearly stated what a casual game is and what a casual gamer is. Fine here is your Fallacy of "begging the question" I will give you exactly what you're looking for. Have fun ripping apart what im about to say.

Casual Game: A game that requires little to no skill to play.

Casual Gamer: Someone who generally plays games that require little or no skill play and/or does not making gaming a major focus point of their life.

Many of you I have a feeling are just getting butt sore because I'm calling a game you like Casual. Once again for the third time. Casual does not label it a bad game. My argument is not on the Wii itself even, simply the matter that Animal Crossing is indeed casual. Something I know you all read, but the way you're all reacting seems as if you havn't. Everyone has a tendacy in here to read what they don't want to hear in this forum and act like someone just attacked their integrity.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2