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akuma587 said:
Oh boy, another HD-DVD resurrection thread. Even MS knows that would be a waste of money and time.

Frankly, it would be a technical nightmare too. Pretty much every HD-DVD replication line in existence has been scrapped, so simply to choose to go with HD-DVD disc producers would have to buy technology that no one else except Microsoft would need.

That is the definition of a bad idea, and it would probably end up costing MS and people who buy MS's new console more in the long run than anyone else.

HD-DVD is never coming back, ever. Digital distribution only maybe, but once again MS would be hurting the people who buy their console by not even giving them the option to play DVD's, let only Blu-Rays. Its just a bad idea.


Ok first, no one said resurrect HD DVD as a movie format, I could care less about that crap really (I'm a Blu-ray movie supporter anyway, so don't bring that arguement to me)... we said as a digital storage format.  And it would be no more ridiculous than Nintendo using their own proprietary format as they did in this generation...

And as for costing MS and customers more money in the long run.. exactly how do you figure?  Paying sony royalties is a lot more expensive than using MS' own practically royalty free format.

Lastly, a drive's ability to read HD DVD discs does not in itself prevent the next XBOX from reading standard DVDs as a movie format (and of course backwards compatibility of XBOX 360 titles).  Sony does that now with the dual blue-violet & red lazer in the PS3... it would take little effort to do the same in the next XBOX.

More importantly, a console's ability to play movies is not important in the least bit... the Wii has proven that this generation, and it still controls 50% of the console market.  People don't care if their GAME console plays MOVIES.  The market has already shown that.

Now whether or not that format is good for the next XBOX is certainly up for debate.  Hell, it could be something else that we haven't even fathomed yet.  But a Sony fanboy coming in here and not answering the thread question is just ridiculous.  The question was: WHAT DO YOU THINK MS' NEXT MEDIA FORMAT WILL BE?  Not, why the hell do you not like our ideas...

So if you have a good idea for the next format, tell us, don't just tell us we are wrong... give us an alternative instead of the same Sony fanboy crap.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
