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Soulxxx said: EVERYONE who bought a PS2 and enjoyed it enough, will eventually buy a PS3 because it's future proof, like it or not N-fanboys it's the truth. Your Wii simply isn't future proof and if they release a new console in 2 years, means I'm right. Not everyone who owns a GC will buy a Wii cause they see beyond it's Wiimote. Giving you the Wiimote as a standard is sort of what Sony did with blu-ray, isn't it? So didn't they take your choice away? They're forcing you to play with motion sensing ALL THE TIME for the sake of improving Gameplay cause if they release games without the motion sensor, what's the point of it? so what makes you think it's gonna last 2 years?? Sony, on the other hand, isn't forcing you anything.. the BRD is there for casual gamers to get the best games in the industry with 50 gigs of games (It's the future my friends... accept it.) The BRD is also there for HD capabilities. The BRD is also there for HD Movies. The Blu-ray is simply put, perfect. Anyone want to TRY to debunk that? nintendo_fanboy, the name says it all.
this is ridiculous. i said it before, and i'm going to say it over and over again. the wiimote offers a new option to control a game, but if it doesn't fit to a game, you can just use the old one. ssb:b for example will pe controlled with a classic controller, without any motion sensing. same thing with the ds: there are many games that don't use the touchscreen, but this doesn't mean that these are bad games. there are many other arguments that you stated which I dislike, but i'm too tired to counter them all. but about my name: i've chosen it because i just own nintendo consoles, which makes my point of view quite subjective. but despite that, i am still able to argue objective. i was sceptic about the wii when i first heard about it, as i was sceptic about the ds. it was my fear that it won't be interesting enough for hardcore gamers like me, but now, i'm fully satisfied with those consoles. i don't think that the ps3 is beaten yet, we are far away from that point, but there are many signs indicating that sony has a hard time upcoming. at the moment, i think x360 will do better than ps3, but they need great halo-sales for that. and now please tell me if this is fanboyish and if you are not fanboyish at all.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)