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Nope, I can play pretty much anything I want. My parents believe that I know what games I shouldn't play.

This resulted in over 67% of the games I own on my Wii are rated 3+ or 7+

The only 2 games I feel that they might not have liked me buying is RE4 and The Godfather: Blackhand edition.

As it ended up with that, I found RE4 scary as hell, and only played it when my mom/dad was there, as they really liked playing /watching me play the game.  (my friends found it too scary too!), and both my dad and my dad played Godfather more than I did.


So I've had no restrictions whatsoever really, but I would have bought the exact same games if they had had them.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS