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The only conclusion that i can draw from this thread is that PCwii is the best combo to own this gen.

And that HD consoles are eyecandy wannabes, but even fail in that area compared to PC. And they are crippled with their limited control options, so even the wii eats em in that area (not to mention the PC again). HD consoles are the mediocrity of the current generation of gaming.

Too bad all this had nothing to do with the original post. Regarding that, i can see more "better versions" of the multiplat games on wii, the reviewers need to adopt to different control options (for example Skate it - the control with the balance board was too hard for some reviewers to master, so they have easily dismissed the game for being uncontrollable, while other editors stated it's harder to master, but not impossible, and gave the game good rating).
