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Sorry I suck at physics... but  know a million excuses for not doing homework... in this case you don´t even need an excuse... if your book doesn not explain what to do and your teacher didn´t explain it right there is nothing you can do... if the teacher did explain and you didn´t listen say you where occupied with private girl stuff... girls get a free pass with that line on anything once a month... if you are not a girl you need something else... dead pets and relatives are for extreme cases only... can you cry on command ??? thats a real livesaver... are you willing to hurt your writing hand... or both hands ??? a little defotion will go a long way... if your a pansy you can fake it with some bandages... if you want to play it clean however just solve the problem as far as you can and tell the truth... I hear that can work but I never tried it myself ???