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Garnett said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Garnett said:
Comrade Tovya said:

(I didn't use the quote thing, it was getting waaayyy too long, lol)

Anyway, I think it is unfortunate, because developers really haven't taken advantage of the space that the Blu-ray disc gives them. And especially now, since the 360 owns a the larger marketshare, 3rd party dual releases will never get larger than 8.5gb.. it just doesn't make financial since for 3rd party games to be completely re-done for the PS3 when it's just easier to port it over to the PS3 mostly intact.

Whatever the case is, next generation, all 3 console manufacturers will have to use a higher media format than standard DVD, that's for sure.

Sony will no doubt continue using Blu-ray, but I really have no idea what Nintendo and MS will do.

If it were myself making the decision, I would go for HD DVD... it's cheap & abandoned by Toshiba, so the royalties from it would be virtually nil. Not to mention there are factories that are still stuffed full of unused HD DVD drives that could be bought by MS for 10% of the wholesale price. And really, HD DVD space per disc is nearly equivalent to Blu-ray, so it just makes sense to me.

The whole school of thought that a console must be able to play disc-based movies was destroyed this generation anyway. The wii doesn't (and it's #1), the XBOX 360 is a horrible standard DVD player (and it's firmly in 2nd place), and Sony which makes the best Blu-ray player/upconverter in their console is in deep last place.

Heh,good idea it was getting long..

I agree with you about Blue Ray space not being touched with multiplat games,and i really agree with why third party would enhance games for PS3,while the 360 version is 8.5.


Im sure the Xbox720 will go wtih HD-DVD,Since it will have dirt cheap dvd like you said.



The only other option in my opinion (that won't help line Sony's coffers by using BD for games next gen) is streaming games as well. Stream games to your console for $39.95/month. Heck, I'd do that in a hearbeat, because I spend more than that on games now. And that's still more than the average console owner spends a month, so it sounds like a winning choice to me.

Or possibly downloadable games to your HDD or maybe even using flash-based memory (which by 2011 or 2012 will be dirt cheap anyway).

Then again, maybe do them all. For the crazy ass gamer who has to play every game, you just subscribe to the streaming service. For the casual 2-3 title a year gamer, you download the game (at a discount since you don't have to buy a physical object, like Sony does on the PSN) or a hardcopy on a flash-based SD card or something similar.

True,how ever not many countrys have internet to stream games,it would require much but it would be a good second option,how ever they could sell USB devices with games on them,hole games when they get big enough,they will be cheaper than dvd.



I think so too.  I'm not 100% sure, but I think that it costs around .50/gb on SD (or similar) card production at the moment.  In 2-3 years, it should way lower.  I just don't think Nintendo or Sony will use Blu-ray and help Sony make money on all three next-gen consoles. 

There are tons of options out there... And over the next year or so, we'll start hearing the rumors coming from Nintendo & MS about the next gen consoles.  So it will be interesting to see what route both companies take.  I would fall over dead in shock if they used Blu-ray like so many people think.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
