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thx1139 said:

First I hope that list isnt best to worst (of the top 10).  The only standout game I see that really uses motion control that I see on that list is Metroid Prime Corruption.   Now dont think I am slamming SMG or Mario Kart it is just that the motion controls arent really a requirement and arent core to the game.  Mario Kart uses the WiiMote in a wheel when if wheel was so important wouldnt the more immersive thing to be a real wheel controller.  For the most part SMG just uses the WiiMote to get stars (what I hate the most about Mario games) that a hard/tedious to get.  Also as good as it the game is the celebration of RE4 Wii when it is just a GC port with motion controls (good ones) is amazing.

At this point in its life to live up to the innovation hyped the WiiMote controls should really be providing something truly different and exceptional. They are not.

The problem with extreme arguments is that they're based on unrealistic extremes and fall apart by default.

Seriously, why would they need to add a "real wheel controller" if the Wiimote can already simulate that with the wheel shell? What's the point of an all purpose controller that can already do that if you're not going to use it? It's a blatantly stupid argument that has no correlation with your conclusion. MKWii already cracked 10 million, so clearly people aren't having a problem with immersion. It's like saying if Halo's shooting was so important, it would come with a gun. Or if Grand Theft Auto's sandbox gameplay was so important, it would come with a real city. It makes no sense.

And are you seriously whining that Galaxy found a perfect blend of controls? The reason Galaxy is one of the best games this generation is because it's a perfect marriage of new and old. The motion controls enhance classic Mario gameplay. They're not intrusive. Are you honestly complaining about this? Because if they arbitrarily mapped every function to motion, I'm sure you'd be the first (of many) in this thread whining about how the Wii is stupid and you have tio flail your arms around to do everything. I am honestly baffled how someone can come in here and complain that Mario got it right; that the game isn't some unrealistic extreme with motion forced into every single aspect.

Have you even seen a Wiimote? It has several buttons, a D-Pad, and a nunchuck with an analog stick and more buttons. It's obvious to any normal person that the Wii wasn't about pure motion controls, it was about bringing motion to the table, which is why I can safely say that you don't know what innovation is and are simply a poor troll attempting to damage control the Wii's success (as usual) by claiming that it's no succesful because it's best games are not arbitrarily using motion to an extreme level.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"