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Comrade Tovya said:
Garnett said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Cidien said:

Why is M$ bragging about this? Because sony dang near had them beat before either console launched. Then in typical sony fashion (as of late) they completely screwed everything up and handed the win to M$. Sony is run by a bunch of incompetant morons. Not just their console division. Any avid MMO players here? I'm sure you guys know what I mean. Most multi-game MMO players hate SOE with a passion.

I started out this generation completely convinced sony was going to stomp M$. After buying and playing both consoles, the only reason I still own a ps3 is bluray. I'm pretty sure the gap between ps3 and 360 sales would be 5:1 if the 360 also had bluray. All you have to do is look at software sales to realize just how many ps3's are being sold to people looking for a cheap, solid bluray player.


I actually think XBOX 360 is winning because it didn't include a built in HD DVD or Blu-ray drive. It kept the cost of the system down, and hence higher sales numbers, and the ability to drop the price lower than the PS3. The PS3 can't go without a Blu-ray drive, because they chose the format to use with the games as well... so now they stuck with a system that has to charge at least $100.00 more than the competition for their console because the Blu-ray drive costs at least that much, and it won't drop much lower than that until this console generation is over.

Therefore, Sony's Blu-ray killed their own console. In the begining, Sony claimed that the inclusion of the Blu-ray drive would be what destroyed MS & Nintendo, and ironically enough, their claimed strength is what will keep them in last place.

That,the fact that not all 360 have HDD and the normal customer dosent know the difference between 360 and PS3,all they see is "1337" grafix



Oh I agree... but the 20gig HDD is actually a pretty cheap upgrade anyway, and it doesn't cost MS $30.00 to add it anyway. But they did the arcade without it because it would allow them to dip the system below that magical $200.00 mark. $199.00 sounds better than $229.00.

Microsoft's saving grace this gen was not supporting HD DVD with a built in HD DVD drive. Everyone thought the external drive upgrade was a dumb move, but it ended up helping them beat out the PS3. Long story short, the PS3 will continue to fall flatter with time because a PS3 can't go without it's Blu-ray drive. The only thing they could cut out was backwards compatibility of PS2 games, and they already did that... and it only got the system down to $400.00.

Taking BC out of the PS3 was STUPID,especally since PS2 was the BIGGEST selling console of last gen,thats like making blue ray players not being able to play DVD,but i understand why they did it.


MS has played good this gen,making the Elite 120 gig and 400$ the same price as the PS3,So when people go to look at console they see 80 gig PS3 vs 120 gig xbox 360 and they choose which number is bigger,unless they are informed.