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SMcc1887 said:
PS4 will launch first at a cheap price with loads of games. It will use cell and Blu Ray. M$ console will be the most expensive, Nintendo will not have as much success as they are having.


Way off buddy, I promise you that all 3 of the big boys will keep their consoles cheap in the next gen.  MS & Nintendo proved that it works, and Sony is getting left behind because of their $400.00 entry level console.  So I assure you that no one will make that mistake again (at least not in the next generation).

In my opinion, because Sony has already set the bar for technology so high for themselves and because of the Blu-ray format, theirs almost has to be the most expensive next generation too.

Can you imagine them releasing the cheapest console next gen and saying, "Hey Sony-fans, buy our cheap, inferior-to-the-PS3-console, you'll be glad you did."?

It just doesn't make sense.  Plus, Sony has the worst money problems of the 3 anyway, so they can't do bargain basement pricing... they gotta keep their prices high to avoid sinking.  I'm still in favor of a Sony/MS morph system next generation as I feel it's the only way to overtake Nintendo in sales.  It won't happen of course, but it would be smart.  But everyone knows that Sony & MS both want to be the king too bad to let that happen.


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