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dolemit3 said:
Khuutra said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Gran Turismo 5 - 10 million is possible, but only through bundling. Since it's almost certain to be bundled (and the European PS3 sales will be huge when this game launches), I'd give it a slight chance. It definitely couldn't do it on its own.

Killzone 2 - This is really a tough one to say. I have no idea how it will sell, nor do most other people. 4.5 million is my rough guess.

Heavy Rain - I've heard very little about this game and I couldn't imagine it selling huge amounts. 500k lifetime?

Infamous - Could be a big hit like Uncharted, assuming the reviews and word of mouth are good. 1.8 million.

White Knight Chronicles - A lot of it depends on the Japanese sales, but I'd go with 750k lifetime.

Team ICO's next game - The last games weren't amazingly popular, so I don't see why this one would be either. 600k lifetime.

God Of War III - 2.8 million. It will definitely be a hit on the PS3, but it's just not a very big series.

Didn't Shadow of the Colossus break 1.5 million lifetime, counting all regions?

Both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus sold rather poorly considering they were on the PS2.

UH OH, we have ourselves a install base = sales dude in this thread