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All these predictions are very safe, but 2 or 3. 


* The Wii will end on more than 50% marketshare Incredibly likely. 

* The PS3 and 360 will end on similar hardware sales (within about 10 million of each other) Cannot see how this won't happen. 

* By the end of the generation, the majority of big budget 3rd party releases will be on the Wii (not neccassarily Wii exclusive) Won't happen. Wii games will always be lower priced to make. If  S-E makes FF14 and KH3 for Wii, they might still not have the majority of their budget on Wii, as they are cheaper to make on it. 

* Nintendo will be last to release an 8th gen home console, or approximately equal last (ie within a month of a competitor) Seems probable. Why would Nintendo rush? Only way I see this not happening, is by a 4th company joining in after Nintendo. 

* All home consoles will be released in their first region within 13 months of each other Also likely, but something else could happen. A  iWii "expansion" is possible, which could extend the Wii  a fair amount of time. 

* The Wii will be on sale in Japan, USA, and Western Europe until later than the PS360 No doubt about it. 

* The 360 will sell more software than the PS3, and will have the highest attach ratio of any console ever First part is pretty certain, second, depends. There might be some small machine that has a higher AR. If you count major consoles (10M +), I believe the GC has the highest AR at 9.6. X360 should have a very good change of beating that. 

* The PS4, Wii2 and Xbox 720 will all exist, though possibly with better names :P 

* The DS2 and PSP2 will exist. Once again, maybe different names

* An xbox portable will not be released in the 8th gen

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS