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The Ghost of RubangB said:

The word "hardcore" is a pornographic term.  Considering I'm the only member here who has posed nude with Game Boys and uploaded the photographic evidence to the internet, I would be the only "hardcore gamer" here.  And I love Animal Crossing.

You think somebody can play Tetris for 100 hours and still be casual because the game has casual appeal?  How does the casual appeal affect the fact that they just dumped 100 hours of their life into it?  Is it actually possible to just casually dump 100 hours of your life into something?

Besides, casual sex and hardcore sex are not opposites at all.  Sex can be both or neither as well.  Games are the same.  If you insist on using pornographic terminology to categorize video games, you should at least keep the definitions.

So what you're saying is that playing tetris in the nude is hardcore, but doing it with clothes on is casual?

Are there degrees of hardcareness? Like playing tetris while banging a prostitute is that more hardcore than doing it whilst masturbating?

