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dharh said:
RolStoppable said:
dharh said:
RolStoppable said:

Actually most people get confused by the terms "hardcore game" and "casual game", because nobody was ever able to clearly define what they mean. The reason is that these terms don't make any sense in the first place, that's why people are struggling to define them. "Hardcore" and "casual" can be used to describe the amount of time invested by the player in games, but they can't and shouldn't be used to describe games themselves.

You can clearly see it once again in this thread, it's impossible to define what a "hardcore game" and what a "casual game" is, because no matter how you try to do it, if you try to apply these definitions to all games, there are many cases in which they don't seem to fit. Then you are left with a lot exceptions and have to add additional rules to your definitions which in return brings in other games which can't be clearly categorized now.

In short, there's no such thing as a "hardcore game" and a "casual game".

You can choose to remove that term from your lexicon but the term exists and the definitions people use are pretty apparent. People get confused because they mistake hardcore/casual games with hardcore/casual gamers. You already know how I defined the terms, notwithstanding my own personal disagreement with the definition I outlined, it is in the consensus. Even though im sure you dont necessarily mean to do it, you make the clasical mistake in describing hardcore vs casual as you said "amount of time invested by a player in games". That merely describes the gamer. The amount in time playing a game isn't even in my definition of hardcore/casual game, its the amount of effort. Huge difference. The amount of time playing games is what defines a hardcore vs casual gamer.

Okay, if the terms "hardcore game" and "casual game" really exist, post a link to their dictionary entry or something equivalent. Otherwise I'll continue to believe that these are made up terms with made up definitions.

Rol... seriously.  Terms are created and defined in society before they are entered into dictionaries.  If you want to deny the terms hardcore/casual games are you also going to deny their definitions? I could easily just swap casual game with a 'game that appeals to casual gamers, is easy to play, doesn't require much effort.'

So instead of saying the Wii has many casual games I could say Nintendo has many games that appeal to casual gamers, are easy to play, and do not require much effort.

The word "hardcore" is a pornographic term.  Considering I'm the only member here who has posed nude with Game Boys and uploaded the photographic evidence to the internet, I would be the only "hardcore gamer" here.  And I love Animal Crossing.

You think somebody can play Tetris for 100 hours and still be casual because the game has casual appeal?  How does the casual appeal affect the fact that they just dumped 100 hours of their life into it?  Is it actually possible to just casually dump 100 hours of your life into something?

Besides, casual sex and hardcore sex are not opposites at all.  Sex can be both or neither as well.  Games are the same.  If you insist on using pornographic terminology to categorize video games, you should at least keep the definitions.