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I'll buy a PS3 for Killzone 2 (and other future releases of course), the game looks amazing, but as a Wii owner I am used to Wii FPS gameplay, and getting back to dual analog control makes me feel dizzy x_X

Tha's why I hate FPS genre. (that's right, I hate it, Killzone 2 is the exception, it will be the third FPS I ever played in my 12 gamer life years)

So the question is: Is it possible to plug a USB keyboard and Mouse to play this game?

I know that it is possible for UT3 but I don't know if that is a console standart for FPS games or if every game as to be Keyboard and Mouse compatible programmed by developers.


Anyone? Cause if it isn't, I'm sad that I won't play this game just because of gameplay issues :(