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Onyxmeth said:

It's too difficult to pin down "exclusive". Everyone chooses to see what they want in it. Being available on one platform is correct, as is being available to one owner(Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) and neither are incorrect. Both fit into alternating definitions of the word "exclusive" when you look it up in a dictionary.

One has to ask themselves though, how far are you willing to take this one platform rule?

Do older consoles like Sega Genesis, SNES, NES, Atari 2600, etc. have ANY exclusives left considering they can all be emulated on a PC? It is available, so it must mean multiplatform now.

How about arcade cabinets? Will BlazBlue not be a PS3 exclusive because it's available as a $10,000 arcade cabinet? Hey, arcade cabinets are platforms too if you have the cash for them.

What about backwards compatibility? Do most Xbox and all GC and PSOne/PS2 games all count as multiplatform now because they can be played on their younger and more attractive siblings now?

How about PCs themselves? Do they all count as a singular unit, or should games be seperated based on the level of seperation in parts you have? Does Live Windows exclusive games count differently from a PC game that doesn't require it?

Do remakes count as a game going multiplatform, like Resident Evil, or does that count as two seperate exclusive games?

There are just so many variables that it's better we all use whatever means and level of exclusivity help us out the most on a personal level. If all I care about is the 360 and PS3, then my level of exclusivity would only be between the two and what games do not appear on one or the other. If I am a PC or Wii guy, then all I should care is what games they do not share. If I have the dough to own every imagineable platform, then obviously exclusivity can become a bit more tight in it's definition. Hell, if I had 10 grand to burn, I'd gloat to everyone here that my platform of choice, the arcade cabinet has months of timed exclusivity on Street Fighter IV. To each their own.

Poster of the day award for you. You just changed my point of view. Thanks.