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Kantor said:
Shadowblind said:
Kantor said:
Parasitic said:
What's with all the MGO hate? I haven't got the chance to play MGS4 online but I plan to eventually.

It's actually very good. People just don't like it because it's not PSN, so they have to log in separately.

EDIT: You like stealth games? MGS4 is the best stealth game this gen. The online is very good as long as you don't mind a different login, and the single player is excellent.

I know you're set on Sigma, but I warn you now: it's not good. The graphics are last-gen, the gameplay is repetitive and the difficulty is ridiculous. You'd be better off with DMC4 or, if you have a lot of patience, God of War III.


 I've played and beaten every Ninja Gaiden game, from the Xbox original to NGBlack to NG2. The difficulty doesn't bother me anymore. The screenshots of the graphics that I've seen make it look like a pretty good PS3 game, alot better then many out there. I haven't seen it in action though. Looks better then DMC4 to me (which I've already played 360 version of)

As for MGS4, I'll probably just end up borrowing it from my friend. It just doesn't look fun to me.

Believe me, I've known plenty of people who doubted it, but I don't know a single person who has played it who doesn't like it. It is amazing. Just have a look at IGN's story so far, and you'll be good to go.

I suppose Ninja Gaiden Sigma could be a love-hate thing. I'm on the hate side.



A good example of this is OkeyDokey. He beat MGS (I think), but could never make it through MGS 2 or 3.  He tried MGS4 on a whim, and it shot straight up to his favorite ps3 game.