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Lord N and topic creator (many more most likely too), throwing out money is not an awesome, intelligent business plan. MS is just throwing money at any and all situations.

Believe it or not, not everyone has as much money as Microsoft. If xbox was a stand alone console without a monopoly of a business behind it, it would have went down already. Wasting billions in its first gen console and then in its second gen console, also issuing a 1billion warranty for screwed customers (they know they screwed customers with their 1 year unprepared start with many failed xboxs). Also buying games, etc... tired of these kind of topics to go on.

Any company would have just failed, just exhausted their resources. It is almost like going against a big corporation in a law suit, they will just exhaust your money with their money, Sony is spending lots of money too on the PS3- it's just not enough (no price cut, buying games,etc.). In the end, MS will just try hard to exhaust Sony/PS3, lets see if Sony can hold on.

None of these companies are great (Nintendo screwing companies in the past, Sony pricing and horrible marketing), just don't be blinded by their crap. I don't hate or love MS, if i did there'll be a "i hate MS thread" but I understand why so many people hate MS.