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Kenology said:

Sorry Chizrun, I couldn't accept the match because I was in the middle of owning my roomate in a private match!

BTW, I put in MOHH2 for a minute just to check it out after playing so much CoD. And damn, did the framerate just blow me away. If we could get CoD with all it's current effects turned on running at 60fps... gaddamn. The biggest area where MOHH2 shits on CoD is in the sound design. CoD is far too muted. Just listen how subdued the music is during the multiplayer menu screens. Plus, the gun sound effects are much more crisp, clear, and loud in MOHH2 - just listen to the M1 in CoD and then listen to it MOHH2 - it's like night and day.

But still, overall, CoD:WaW >>> MOHH2

No problem, I'll try to be online tomorrow again.

I agree with you on MOHH2. The game looks, moves and sounds so damn smooth. But it's boring -graphically and gameplay wise. COD however, sometimes is a little laggy, rough around the edges and muted. But damn if it isn't incredibly fun!