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What I like about The Simpsons is in a way the criticism of the society (don't know if that translates well into English though). Of course, the jokes and such are awesome (I really love them), but them alone wouldn't make me watch it.

As mentioned before, it depends a lot on the writer, and what "era" of The Simpsons it was in.

During the first 4 seasons, I guess it was Homer. He was used in a lot of criticism (well, that is in a way the wrong word... more debating it), was very funny, and also how he would handle everything Lisa/Bart did.

In 5-8 I think I like Lisa the most, as she has a lot of good points/opinions, and gets a bit more jokes.

Then I don't really have a lot of favourites in 9-12, as I don't really like Mike Scully (I HATE his endings, which sort of ruins the series. I know it isn't his fault, but I really hate it, and he has to be blamed a bit, as none of the other seasons have had those crappy endings.

Then I haven't really seen a lot from 13 and out.


Of course, I am here talking about the main characters only, as they are the ones shaping the episodes. The sideshows are also awesome.

I also really like

Sideshow Bob - genious character, with fabulous humour.

Moe Szyslack - You really love him and dislike him at once. In a way he took over for some of the great things Homer stood for in 1-4.


There's only 1 character in the Simpsons I really hate though. Gil. I just get so sad seeing his misery, and it can almost destroy a whole episode for me if he is in it a lot.


For the Mike Scully thing, I have this quote in my head (I don't know where is from though)

The Simpsons became a cartoon.  Episodes that once would have ended with Homer and Marge bicycling into the sunset now end with Homer blowing a tranquilizer dart into Marge's neck. The show is still funny, but it hasn't been touching in quite some time.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS