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waron said:
for god, sake another "casual game and hardcore game" crap?

first of all ther is no such thing as casual and hardcore games, but there is casual and hardcore gamer. plus most gamers even on ps360 are play games casually(just for fun) which makes them casual gamers. they would be hardcore gamers if they would be devoted to gaming and spending every free minute with controler in their hands. i've spended more than 90 hours in Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 and more than 60 hours in Innocent Life on psp, about 300 hours in mario kart and more than 700 hours in Brawl which makes me hardcore Brawl/Mario Kart/Innocent Life/Naruto: UNH2 gamer and at the same time i play casually in God of War, GTA San Andreas and Call of Duty 4 from time to time.


 Bolded - Is what I was gonna say.  Secondly = good post.


In other news: I can see where Mario wouldn't be considered a "hardcore" game, due to the fact it is not a difficult game to play and beat.  However, If you consider that its a franchise that has been around for over 20 years now (25 years actually) and sztill keeps its fanbase for the most part, while providing both fresh new ideas and original gameplay goodness.  Yeah its fucking HARD-Core.  No other franchise can say that.  No other franchise has held on to it's purity as effectivly as Mario.

I say tell them to eat a dick.  Chances are they aren't even old enough to have played the original.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself