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MrBubbles said: 

in my dreams? ....  its pretty sad on your part if you feel any of those wii versions could stand head to head against their  counterparts.  it doesnt make the wii feel better when you lie for it, so give it up and face reality that they are no longer comparing the games against each other because it was unrealistic to do so.

 Allow me to quote for you the first paragraph of the Shaun White 1up review. "Although they share Shaun White's visage and a snowboarding theme, not much else ties Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip to its PS3/Xbox 360 counterpart -- and that's a good thing. While the more powerful console version looks arguably better, obtuse controls and a misleading map make exploring it feel like an uphill trek. For now, the underpowered Wii provides the best Shaun White experience." That is entirely a comparison between the two different versions of the game. So I would like to reiterate what Grampy said. Only in your dreams are they not being compared directly. Some games are just better on the Wii. Get over it.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229