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Well, in a way, some of the show is "Do you know more than what 50 smart 5th graders know, who are all insanely interested in 1 subject"


I used to know a lot about geography. I mean A LOT.

When I was 7 or so years old, I knew the flags of over 175 countries, I could list every state in U.S.A and place them on a map. Same for Europe. I could also list the capitals of almost all the countries in the world.

I was also really, really into dinosaurs, and knew at least 50 and all kinds of notes about them and such.

Today? Not even close. My knowledge is a lot wider now, but not even close to as good on specific places.

I now know less than 20 dinosaurs with all facts and such, and I doubt i know the flags of more than 100 countries. No way I could list all the states in U.S.A, and I have no clue about the population in them.


So, if you took geography/pantheology, a 1st grader (as in, me as a 1st grader) would crush me completely.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS