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"In your dreams. I haven't seen any reviewers cut any slack. The opposite is true. They completely fail to factor in a control system which is different from what they grew up on. The starting assumption is that somehow God himself handed down the analog game pad on the mountaintop and using anything else is heresy.

My prediction is that within a decade that particular POS will be in the Smithsonian along with the sliderule and the buttonhook."

The Wii control isn't perfect either. If you're not the type of person that wants to involve yourself in all the physical activity that using a Wii game entails -- standing up, actually acting as if you're really playing ping pong or sword fighting, or trying to get Fit; and instead prefer to sit back in an easy chair, hit a few buttons on a pad to swing your sword, etc, then the Wii control isn't for you. Zelda TP might be a great game but I don't think I would prefer to play such a long story driven game on a Wiimote as compared to a N64 or GC controller. And they probably acknowledge this with the existence of the classic pad for playing the downloadable classic rpgs, etc.

Heavens to Murgatoids.