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Wow....ok maybe a little too much hype here. Still going to be absolutely fantastic though :D

So when is VGA again? Because if its the first time FFXIII gameplay is shown, that'll be awesome!

I haven't played Uncharted yet, so I really can't get myself hyped for the sequel. Can't wait to see the visuals though.

I hate Killzone 1 with a burning passion, but I'm willing to go into Killzone 2 with an open mind. Videos haven't helped though.

God of War III is going to be the most amazing thing to happen to the PS3 this decade. Its going to be ungodly good(see what I did there? Ungodly, as in...Greek Gods?....Right?....I'll stop talking now...)

Any chance of even MORE games being announced? Like the new ICO project?

 How about third parties? I will probably get banned for the excitement I will cause if a new PS3- exclusive Tales is announced!

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.