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konnichiwa said:
Just wondering did you ever played JRPG's before? And with before I mean before this gen started.

After Infinite undiscovery, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey I am not really interested in playing a JRPG on the X360. I almosted hated JRPG's thx to them.

I started playing JRPGs in the very early 90s, and started with Final Fantasy I and Dragon Quest I.

My library includes (but isn't limited to):

  • Dragon Quest III, IV (played VIII significantly)
  • Breath of Fire I/II
  • Final Fantasy IV, VI, VII, T, and GB versions II and III
  • Lufia I
  • Super Mario RPG (100% mint condition. Beat on SNES 10+ years ago)
  • Chrono Trigger (100% mint condition. Beat on SNES 10+ years ago, w/ at least 5 different endings)
  • RoboTrek
  • Secret of Mana
  • Secret of Evermore

For some of my earlier games. I've played far more than I can list - I think, at last count, I've beaten around 100 JRPGs on the NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1, PS2, X360, and some quasi-JRPGs on PC such as Septerra Core. Most of the bigger series I've played - my favorite niche series would be the Terranigma series, since I was/am a big Quintet fan, and played 100% of their NA releases.

I'm of the persuasion that the SNES was the best JRPG system in history due to the Squaresoft and Enix offerings, primarly. Although I did enjoy what Atlus, Taito and Capcom did with the few JRPGs they brought over to the West. I own around 15 JRPGs on the SNES alone - most purchased on launch week in the US.

So I'd think that I've played a few JRPGs to see which ones are good :)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.