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RayRay102 said:
Just as I thought when I made this topic.

It is the same old same old from the Sony fanboys.

1. Halo 3 won't sell, Ninja Blade look stupid, or I hate RPG now, or GTA4 DLC do not count.

2. If we are going to use this same excuse evertime, what about motorstorm 2, Lair, Haze, folklord and the other PS3 exclusives. These games don't sell well and bombed hard in sales.

3. Also, stop talking about games that in the future and totally ignored the topic. I even said Killzone will be a great game an I will buy it but in America but the truth is Microsoft has more exclusives coming out in Q1 of 2009. It is a fact.

1. Halo 3 won't sell? It's already come out and sold over 8 million. I don't think anyone said Ninja Blade looked "stupid." A lot of 360 fans completely hated RPGs until the 360 was the console that had them. And by the way, downloadable content does not count as a game. It never will unless you're buying a game itself. If I bought Elder Scrolls, and then I bought horse armor, would I have two games? No.

2. What excuse? You're making things up again. Motorstorm 2 has only been out for a couple weeks, and exclusives have bombed on every platform. I don't even know what you're trying to prove.

3. Don't talk about games in the future? That's the entire point of this thread! Games that haven't come out yet. And it's a fact that the 360 has more exclusives coming out? Are we counting Arcade/PSN games? Why don't you find out for sure instead of naming a few games you think will be good? I wouldn't doubt it, but the lists so far seem pretty biased.