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Phrancheyez said:
headshot91 said:
Phrancheyez said:
headshot91 said:
@NYANKS ah but you dont know that yet! i personally hope it will and think it will but hey. BTW while i do take other peoples and classm8's etc views into account if its say a preorder i usually look at at least some reviews b4 bying it. But i dont rely on them solely , everyon else is about the same i thnk


That's a big negative..I don't trust a single websites opinions on any game.  That doesn't mean I don't occasionally agree with their opinions, but I've never agreed with the majority of any single websites opinions.  That being said, because of the same reason, I wouldn't even trust if 5 sites said the same thing - I trust what I see and what I play.


 Negative? Thats my opinion and as i stated i look at some websites but i also take into account my m8s who already hv it. If its not our yet and only some reviews are up 4 it ill have to base my opinion on those and what i hv seen in videos as i have no other option. You cant say its a big negative as thats what i think. I obv dont base my views on reviews i have my own opinion and you cant say thats negative


The bolded line is why I said it's a negative.  You said everyone else is about the same.  I disagree, strongly.  In fact, in real life, I don't know a single person who reads reviews before buying a game.  Every single one of them use demos and rentals.  And I know a lot of gamers..which doesn't account for 'everyone' but it discounts your statement about 'everyone' none-the-less.

No actually quite a few people would look at reviews thats why these gamesites exist... Plus i sed i dont rely on them solely which i said everyone else is about the same, you have made my two seperate sentences onto one long one and so the content has been shown in a different way. I clearly state that "i dont rely on game review solely" and then say that "everyone else is about the same i think" ie everybody else wont base their opinions on game reviews. So you have been twisting my words around.Therefore that discounts your  statement as you have been discouting views which i dont even have