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It's all about the killer app, but it's just weird now because the killer app is the app of kids and people who don't really play video games. People I know in RL that talk about the Wii...

My boss who doesn't play video games (he's played a few in the past, diablo, etc)
My coworker who doesn't play video games and in fact hates video games
My girlfriend who hates video games because I play them
Some guy at work in tech mfg, I don't think he's ever been into video games
My girlfriend's friends who all hate video games
My friend's wife who hates video games (they actually bought a wii, but returned it because they never played it. She scolded us previously for playing streets of rage 2 when she was away at target)
My nephew and niece each have a DS and also have a Wii

Oh ya, Ive also heard my girlfriends Mom and come to think about it my Mom talking about it (My mom actually played easy games on GB and Solomon's Key and Wrecking crew on NES)

For me, I'm too old and think standing up and playing games is weird :P.