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Congrats on the purchase! :D

Great game choices so far (especially LittleBigPlanet).

For online play, good decision avoiding MGO. Konami decided to circumvent the PSN , so it has it's own custom log-ins and stuff, and it's a total pain in the ass as a result.

For singleplayer, I'd definitely recommend Uncharted. And MGS4, but you've already said you have no interest in the game.

Uncharted is a blast. It may look somewhat generic on the surface (Dude Raider, lol), but it's truly a great experience. It has great personality (I love the characters, lol) and it's still the best looking game on the ps3 (aside from arguably MGS4).

LBP, MGS4, and Uncharted are my three favorite ps3 games at the moment, and Killzone 2 will probably join them come February (the beta is awesome fun).