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CrashMan said:
PP is not the future of gaming. There is too much interdependance of between aspects of games that PP can't be utilized on a large scale effectively for games. Forcing PP where it is not appropriate will actually constrain efficiency, not increase it.

Say you put each object's AI on a separate thread, you will still need to wait until the rendering thread finishes before you can proceed to the next frame. PP in games is only as fast as its slowest thread.

1) software engineers know where they can add more things to optimize

2) games are insane to optimize well for any processor because you have to account for the worst situation, not the normal situation.  that means that all games on any cpu are effectively inefficient.

3) multicore software design is in its infancy.  they will get better at it.

4) multicore processors will get better.  the hardware designers will learn to increase the efficiency of their designs.


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.