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it is made for everyone, therefore it is casual. just because parts are hard and "hardcore" gamers like it doesn't mean it's not casual.

its an extremely well made casual game.

the terms hardcore and casual are too polarizing, but they serve a purpose. they essentially determine how involved someone has to be in the game for someone from any group. it has no determination on the quality or the depth of gameplay or difficulty or anything of the sort. a well made game has no bearing on whether its casual or hardcore.

the problem has come with the flood of casual games recently. before you could make a good casual game and it would be loved, ie singstar, 3d marios, guitar hero (yes, the beloved guitar hero and rock band are very casual). but with the flood of casual games came the flood of bad casual games and thus an association of casual games being bad.

in conclusion a bad game can be either hardcore or casual, a good game can be hardcore or casual, a casual game can be good or bad, and a harcore game can be good or bad. only the game itself determines this.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.