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Kyros said:

The Wii has over 50% of the top10 bestselling games

If you look at million sellers the Wii has pretty exactly 33%.

If you look at games over 500k the Wii has 29% and 10 more than the PS3 (at three times the userbase)

I think its fair to say that the software sales of the Wii are very top heavy. It simply lacks a broad variety of good to very good games (which the other two consoles have).

(at the moment the 360 has 53 million sellers the PS3 has 11 million sellers and the Wii has 30 million sellers.)

(at the moment the 360 has 107 games over 500k, the PS3 has 50 games over 500k, the Wii has 65 games over 500k)

Isn't this pretty much the point several people have been making, only promoted in a negative way?


As it seems right now, the average Wii owner purchases a little over 4 games a year. I'm going to ignore the 10% that average 10 games a year here, so say 4 games a year for 90% of the Wii owners (note: the % are just made up, no real sources, just an example).

So tecnically, if the console launches 5 awesome games that you really, really want each year - that's enough. To do this, the console would probably need 5-6 great games, that almost anyone can enjoy, and 2-3 very good games that are also easily enjoable.

This is what the Wii releases, and for 90% of its userbase, this is enough.

For the last 10% of the Wiis userbase, they buy 10 games a year each. Now, one would think these gamers aren't important, but think about the fact that over 5 years, they buy 50 games, while an average of the 90% would only buy 20. So over 5 years, they add up 1/5 of the revenue on the SW sales. That is far higher than something you would want to ignore.

Anyway, those 10% stand for most of the sales on the titles that sell less than 1M (the titles that sell less than 10M only account for 30% of the total SW sales on Wii)

Thus, the Wii becomes a lot more narrow on what sells good, as there is really just 4M that buys the non-million seller games.

Of course, the 360 and Ps3 don't have 25 and 18M each here, they are also split up. Like for instance with the Ps3, perhaps 30% average 10 games, and 70% average 4 games, thus meaning that the people who buy the non-million selling ones are here 6M, which is higher than the Wiis (of course, this is just an example, so that might not be the case).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS