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Yeah, I own and play both consoles as well.

I have sat down an analyzed the differences myself, and really for me, they are close, but XBOX wins a slight edge because LIVE. LIVE is hands down the best online gaming service between the 3 consoles this generation.

I was thinking of trying one of those hacks that show you how to convert your PS3 controller to an XBOX 360 compatible controller... I think the 360 analog sticks are too stiff for me. I like the "feel" of the 360 controller, I just hate the stiffness of the analog sticks (although I do like the fact the 360 analog sticks are convexed and shorter).

I hope the new PSN Home service is better.

Which brings me to another question for some of you. For those of you have tested the 'Beta' Home out, did they change the interface of the PSN too? What exactly are the new features of Home?


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
