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Statements like X game uses Y % of CPU power mean absolutely nothing.

One could write an infinite loop, catch any integer overflow exceptions and reset the counter back to zero and that would use 100% of the PPU or SPU continously. The same code could be forked across all SPU's and now the Cell would be completely maxed. Using all CPU cycles does not equal good or efficient programming. Optimization is about using less cycles not more. The PS3 is not impervious to inefficient programming. I am not saying that GG are inefficient programmers, what I am saying is that their claim does not give any indication of how much untapped potential is still left in the PS3. Unless Killzone 2 is 100% optimized in every aspect of development wrt to the ps3 architecture, it is entirely possible that even more than 40% of the PS3 has been untapped.

Let's pretend I have a ferrari that goes 200MPH. Unfortunately 99% of the time I can't drive at full speed utilizing the full power of my Ferrari's engine. Why? Because variable levels of traffic, stop lights, toll booths, and cops limit how fast I can go. Just like the Ferrari engine the Cell will most of the time not be fully utilized. Most of the time system bottlenecks are not CPU bound. Slower drive speeds, slower or limited availbility of RAM, and shared data that other threads are operating on result in wait states for idling threads.

Just my 2 cents