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naznatips said:
Infamous said:
scottie said:
Whilst it may be a good game, it's not selling as well as the old banjo's because it's not as good as them. I'm sorry, Rare lost so many devs when they went over to MS that they just aren't capable of making games like they used to

Except it's made by the original Banjo team. Play the game, then talk. Everyone in this topic who has actually played it has said nothing but praise.


Well I own it and have played it plenty. It has a lot of issues. Starting out the game has extremely loose and furstrating controls. It's not particularly fun until you've unlocked a lot of the late-game vehicle parts. It's also incredibly repetitive, and has no platforming whatsoever outside of the limited exploration in showdown town. The physics are glitchy, and you can get vehicles stuck on damn near anything in the world, including the enemies.

Banjo is not a great game. It's a reasonably good, but very flawed, game. 79 is about right.

PS: This game was not hyped but it sure as hell cost Microsoft a lot of money. It's been in development more than 3 years, and because of their new policies on "casual" game pricing it had to launch at $40, which means it will probably never even remotely see a return on the financial investment. Then again, these days Microsoft is so uncaring on how they blow their cash and how little effect it has on their console sales that this is just a drop of loss in a very large pond.

Microsoft payed a lot of money for a game's development yet they didn't even hype it?  Way to go, Microsoft, for spending money like you are rich people.