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Erik Aston said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
It's getting a little late and I didn't read all that, but I'll go over why I think the Wii 1st party software sells well:

1. Userbase
2. 1st party consumer preference
3. Lack of choice
4. Marketing
5. Price
6. bundles
7. hype
8. quality
9. innovation
10. wise choice of genres
11. nostalgia
12. Trends/Fads

...that about covers Nintendo 1st party.

Nintendogs has sold 20m copies. It:

1. launched into less than 10m console base.
2. aimed at non-traditional customers with no preference.
3. has plenty of pet sim alternatives
4. had less marketing than many of their titles.
5. has a standard handheld game price.
6. has been offered in limited, optional bundles.
7. was bashed by the hardcore.
8. was high quality.
9. was based on an old concept and utilized old technology.
10. ... huh?
11. had no nostalgia factor.
12. "capitalized" on a trend/fad that had seemingly died 8 or 10 years earlier with Tamagotchi.

So that's 2 of 12 it qualifies for.

  1. And now has nearly 90m...the growing userbase is why sales didn't stop at 10m =P
  2. "Casuals" will call any console "a nintendo" yeah probably some preference there...
  3. that have a fraction of the consumer awareness
  4. and still has much more consumer awareness..sometimes less is more (I'd like to see the stats on this actually, link?)
  5. agreed
  6. agreed
  7. But it was hyped within the "casuals" think "casuals" bashing Halo 3 made a difference to the "hardcore"? Why would the reverse matter?
  8. Yup
  9. Innovation is not invention, it's innovation, you can innovate with an existing invention...sort of like the Wii was innovative but the tech and the concept had been around, Nintendo's innovation was building the whole package to make it appealing to the mass market
  10. Agreed "huh?", not sure wth he was saying.
  11. But "Nintendo" does.
  12. But was there nevertheless =)

So by my count that is 10 of 12.


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