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StanGable said:
I found it accurate and well written. Soccer is a worthless sport. I was born and raised in Mexico and was a soccer fanatic. However, after moving to the States, finding out what school spirit meant (because outside of this country, no fucking place in the world has any clue what school spirit is and it is essential to love the sport and then appreciate the NFL) and getting to truly understand American Football I found out that it is way better than soccer.

Soccer is just a pointless sport where the same 4 teams in the world always win and its more about luck than precision. In American Football, you have to be a total badass to make plays happen and if you can pull it off and not loose the ball after being hit, then you truly are a badass. In soccer all they do is cry and play to be drama actors pretending they got hurt after being pushed a little.

So in conclusion: If you haven't lived the American way of life, immerse yourself in the culture and give American Football the opportunity of understanding, you will never know why American feels the way they do about soccer and why it sucks.

It takes a little bit of brilliance and a lot of courage to know which way works then to turn around and go the other way.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D