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selnor said:
Staude said:
gebx said:
luisgvm said:

Speaking in IGN's latest Play Beyond podcast, Jeff Haynes revealed that even during the heaviest loads, Killzone 2 utilizes roughly only 60 per cent of the SPU's.

"It's incredible to see huge levels and see the deferred rendering and note that on all the SPU’s, even on the heaviest load were coming up to about 60%," Haynes said. "They weren't coming close to maxing out. .They had about 40% of space before they started tripping or saw slow down on some of the processes."

Furthermore, Haynes noted that the preview codes recently distributed to various media outlets were of an alpha build of the title, and have since been polished up . Visiting Guerilla Games in Amsterdam, Haynes was shown an updated version of the game, mid to late beta, noting that elements such as lighting, cut scenes, glitches, load times, have all been optimized.

Killzone 2 is due out exclusively on PlayStation 3 on February 27, 2009.

here is the link.

wow if thats true then uncharted 2 will look amazing!!! jajaja


So at 60% the game has issues and had slowdowns... Crappy PS3 architecture confirmed??

if you cared to read he says that they had 40 percent space AFTER being used to their full (of load kz2 is putting on them) before they started tripping or slowing down :p



What hes saying is when your playing at home, and the game has a framerate moment does that mean it's maxed out? No.

Gears 2 uses only 2 threads out of the 6 360 has to offer. Thats 1 core out of the 3. So does that mean Gears 2 is only using 33.33%?. No it doesnt. Because it's not just the CPU that is the main bottleneck in these consoles.


read it again.


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