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markers said:
he used the ds because when the ds first was released it struggled. but after the dslite hit it soared like a mofo.

basically its a sound comparison, the ps3 is struggling, some say, in its first 2 years. and devs are just now getting the hang of it and a price cut is just around the corner (and heck maybe slim model around the corner after you round the first corner to the price cut)

those who say insert wii in said place doesnt make since. the wii hasnt struggled one bit. he wants to know if the ps3 can make a turn around like the ds did


Someone who talks at least some sense and knows what the poster means without putting on its trol suit. I see where you going at ... if the PS3 manages to slim in size and get a price break wel'll see a (huge) raise in sales. Basically (at one part) happened to the DS. Plus, indeed, 3rd party developers are more getting the hang of the structure of the PS3 in development.

Wii is surely innovative but not as innovative as the PS3 is and a lot of people has already mentioned "why" so I don't feel like explaining myself as most already have done that for me

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