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deathcape said:
well Staude...

you're missing the point entirely
the PS3 is not innovative at all it copied the Wii with motion sensing and badly too
the sixaxis is not's just a natural evolution of control input

the Wiimote and Nunchuck are different, since they are used as the main principle
and completely reinvent how to play games..that is innovative

what else would you like to mention..I can't see anything on the PS3 as REvolutionary..or innovative

only things that are EVolutionary.. and if you don't believe could always look at sales..

the DS also innovative in how you play the games..the screens COULD be used to compliment the regular controls, but are often used as their OWN controls scheme.. the wheel

not saying the PS3 blows or anything..just that it's not innovative

First of all sony had a patent that had the same looking motion system the wii is using now in 2004. So going by your logic, even if sony didn't use it for a product nintendo must have copied it !


Second, The sixaxis is innovative as it evolves the way you play games. If you want to refere to it as evolution thats fine, but it's still innovative... Sony didn't steal the motion sensing from nintendo either. You can't make the controller in 1 day + the software to run it etc, nomatter what you might believe. :\ I mean, comon, get those fanboy goggles off.

Like i said previously, sony has a patent since 2004 that did the same things (even had the motion bar cept it was placed below the tv, not above) Furthermore, the wiimote and nunchuck doesn't so at all what they were supposed to. They allow you to waggle your mote to create some sort of motion. I wouldn't call that innovative but rather a waste of resources. Nintendo promised true motion sensing and they Failed. Yes i'll say it, because if they hadn't they wouldn't be bringing motion + to the market. They even said they chose not to because they didn't wanna because they didn't want to take a hit for the consumers.


The Pseye can do everything the wiimote and the nunchuck can... AND MORE ! and a version of this was out with the ps2, so obviously nintendo stole their ideas for the wii from sony !!11 zomg (yes i know how rediculous that sounds, i'm trying to behave like some of you, cept replace sony with nintendo and vice versa)

Next time read through my post, maybe i missed your point but then you most certainly didn't bother to read what i actually wrote.

You can't claim the pseye isn't a innovation. It's the next step in motion sensing and it came out before the wii.


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