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Well it obviously didn't open up similar to that of its predecessors which is the power of the Nintendo brand by the way. Much more powerful than anything else out there in the game industry. But can't call it a flop just yet. I'm sure this will sell decently over time and if it doesn't MS will just bundle it like they do with most of their casual games to get them to sell. It will more than likely make a million sometime in 2009 unless it just drastically drops off from the holidays.

I think the main problem is that the main userbase to this was the core Nintendo base who more than likely didn't buy into this "NEW" Banjo. I know I sure as hell didn't. So that definitely hurt its openers considering the base of that of the 360 is not necessarily akin with the brand yet. And htne of course we have the Banjo brand not being tied to the Xbox brand which hurts its mainstream appeal to a large extent.

So really this title needs to come out of the holidays at a steady pace and settle in a 10k-20k range. But if it doesnt' do that then there isn't much hope for it. If that does happen the good question is why? Well probably the brand not being tied to Xbox brand, blinded by the brightness of other big releases such as Gears 2 and COD5, and general lack of hype for the title whether due to MS throwing it out there without much marketing or simple gamer disappointment from the beginning.

But I still personally think it'll leg it out to over a million but more than likely it might lead to Rare shelving the brand for awhile.