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Khuutra said:
Soriku said:
I've played FF XII before but at my cousin's house. I'm just after the part after the Rogue Tomoato lulz. The lack of random battles is nice, but the battle system is absolutely terrible. Turn based is fun (especially fast turn based like FF's) as long as there are no random battles, but FF XII has some weird, boring (really) turn based FF style/real time...thing. It's not even that fun. If it's real time I want it to be like KH or Tales where it's fast and I don't have to wait for a bar to fill up to attack. The battle system is just stupid.

How about...turn based with no random battles please? That'd be a huge step in the right direction for FF IMO.

You are like an hour into the game

You haven't even gotten the gambit system yet

Where you are, it's still turn based

Play it for real.


Soriku you are making me lose respect for you.

Do it. DO IT!

ON topic:
I would get the GBA FF1&2 because they come have to buy the PSP releases separately (?!) and I'm not ure about their loads times but I know that they're games I wouldn't be able to stomach that in. Then get FF3 and 4 DS.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"