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Hey guys, I wanted to introduce you to the Flop Family. Flop Family, meet VGCharter.


*shakes hands*


Here is my first Flop, Zack N. Wiki Flop. When he was growing up, I didn’t think he would make 200k! Boy, was Capcom surprised when that growth spurt happened to him! He’s almost 500k now!


Here’s my second boy, Noe M. Heroes Flop! Wow, what a headache! He has achieved more than his older cousins though. *whispers* (they couldn’t get past 20k without giving up). He has done a complete 360 in his life; actually by getting 360k in his field. I hear he’s going to get his second degree. I told NMH it would be a Struggle, but he’ll make it.


Here I have the two little tikes, Boom Blox and Dee Blob. Boom set a good example for young Blob here, racking up 600k , under the eye of Mr. Steven Spielberg of course. But lil’ Blob here is creatin’ a path of his own, getting about 350k, and he’s only 10 weeks!


Well, I’m getting carried away here, you still haven’t introduced me to your lil’gamers there!



(Now it is your turn to come up with someone from the Flop family, or they can be from the “Success” family; you decide.”)

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."