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Ah, you take me back a bit with the photography. I remember fiddling with light meters and little rotary card things to work out exposures.


Reason I brought in the Wii controller is I suspect it isn’t as easy and accessible as it looks. Ever noticed posts that go on about how sloppy and inaccurate it is, with gratuitous mentions of ‘waggle’ and ‘flail’ and various equivalents? That is the exact way people talk about things they haven’t mastered (like driving, musical instruments, pool tables and so on). It is inaccessible to the ‘true gamer’ only because it is unfamiliar, which is the exact same reason the PS360 controller is inaccessible to the expanded audience.


The Nintendo genius was to make it *look* unintimidating.


The same way everyone thinks of recorder as an easy instrument, despite it being way harder to play well than, say, the more intimidating-looking saxophone.


(please pardon the font, I am new here and haven't got as far as working out how to post properly yet)