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I can spend literally days just building up my criminal empire without touching a mission at all. But that aside, in classical terms, I think, for an average player, we’ve got around 20 to 30 hours of gameplay just to complete the story missions — that gets you through about 28 percent to 30 percent of the total game. The narcotics dealing takes up much more of your time, and we have more side missions, odd jobs, and one-off characters with their own mission strands to meet around this world than you’d ever expect. I’d say to get to 100 percent stats complete, you’d be looking at around 70 to 80 hours of play. This still doesn’t mean you’ve seen everything. You still have multiplayer and the entire online and Social Club content to dabble with.” - Gordon Hall, head of developer Rockstar Leeds


now obviously this guy is gunna hype up his own game but this seems like a pretty beasty offering. its sales are gunna be really interesting

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia