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Soma said:
Well, there are a lot of people that play simple games like Solitaire, mines, Brain Age etc that are not social at all. And the so called "hardcore" also play online or locally with friends FPS, Sports, etc. So I don't agree at all.

I think the word "hardcore" was invented by experienced gamers to separate themselves from the new gamers, most of them in the range of 15-35. The problem with this "hardcore" is the way they look at the industry, where they look at themselves as the smartest and most important market, and ALL games should satisfy them. They don't or can't understand people may have different tastes than them, and if a game don't satisfy them they label it as Casual or Kiddy.


 As I said, I used very broad generalizations to keep a long post from being even longer. Even valid stereotypes are just a center af gravity about which individuals tend to orbit a varying distances. Bu they can be useful for simplification.

I remember many years ago the first time I traveled to Europe. Certainly a relatively few londoners wore bowler hats and carried a black umbrealla but damn site more than anywhere else Ii have been before or since. Certainly not all German Haus Fraus were stocky, wore dark clothing, carried an oversize shopping bag and had those incredible practical shoes, but enough that I never realized where I was. Not all Texans wear boots, talk loud and invite you over for a barbeque 3 minutes after meeting you, but they ain't exactly rare.

Fortunately, there are probably very few sterotypical elitest misanthropist hardcore gamers. But there are enough to keep these forums lively